Thai public holidays

Important Thai Days

Public holidays in Thailand are often set by the Thai government and are mostly observed both public and private. Generally, there are 19 public holidays, but may be added in accordance with the Thai Cabinet's announcement. Both formal and informal Local and international They often observe their own way around the country.

All public holidays are organized by government agencies while the Bank of Thailand offers bank holidays. Which is quite different from the government Private businesses must have at least 13 days off in accordance with the Labor Protection Act. Which includes the National Labor Day But can choose to follow any pattern If the holidays are on the weekend There will be an additional shutdown on one more work day.

List of important days in Thailand

Important day in connection with the King of Thailand

Wan Yuttaheete

Corresponds to January 18, it is the date of King Naresuan the Great. He made Iuthaheete victory against Maha Uparaja on January 18, 2135. Yuthaheetee means fighting with weapons on the back of an elephant. It is a battle like a king in ancient times. Is considered the tactical elite of the warrior. Because it is a one-on-one fight Any king who wins Iuthheete will be regarded as Has the highest honor And even the losers were praised as true warriors.

National Artist Day

Corresponds to February 24, it is the day of the honor announcement. And honoring Thai teachers' artists Which has been selected by the National Culture Commission to be "National Artist" by adhering to the day of the birth of King Rama II "Phra Pathom Borom, the Artist of Rattanakosin", who is knowledgeable and proficient in all fields of art extensively as "National Artist Day". There are currently 172 national artists (until 2005).

King Rama IX's Day Phra Maha Jesada Raja Chao

Corresponds to March 31, commemorating the day of the birth of King Rama III who performed royal duties in upholding the country. Both in religion Education and more Many more that are very useful to the country In his time His Highness kept some money in a "red bag" which later in the reign of King Rama 5 used as a fine in case of dispute With France in R.E. 112, helping Thailand survive the political crisis. And possible international war.

Wan Chakri

Corresponds to April 6, referring to the memorial day of King Phra Phutthayodfa, Chulalongkorn. The first of the Chakri dynasty. His Majesty the army arrived in Phra Nakhon And received summoned up to ascend the throne of the throne Maintained the Kingdom of Siam, the country for the first day. Throughout the life of King Rama I had to go out in great battles To recover freedom 11 times by being a general 10 times and with King Thonburi 1 time and when he was the King of the Kingdom There were seven more battles to defend the freedom of the Thai nation. He was a great warrior king. And Keng, able to get even more.

Coronation Day

Corresponds to 5 May, this is Remembrance Day. King Bhumibol Adulyadej Present reign Has made a coronation ceremony, he ascended the throne Was the ninth king of the Chakri dynasty completely on May 5, 1950 and had a royal ordinance that We will rule the land by virtue For the benefit of the public of Siam, which on June 9, 2489 when he ascended the throne. Inheritance of the King Rama VIII has not yet performed the coronation ceremony. Due to having to go back to study further.

National Science Day

Corresponds to August 18 as the birthday of the total solar eclipse. This is a phenomenon that King Mongkut's head, Rama IV, calculated and accurately predicted two years in advance, and went to see at the Wa Kor Subdistrict, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province on that day in 1868. 

National Youth Day

Matches on September 20 as well. Today is considered a very auspicious day. Since it is a day like the royal birth date Of the two kings of the Chakri dynasty: King Chulalongkorn Rama 5 and King Ananda Mahidol Rama VIII, both of which In addition to reigning the throne since his youth Still very intelligent It is expedient for Thai youth to follow in the footsteps of their patriarchs.

Chulalongkorn Day

Corresponds to October 23, it is a day of death. Of King Chulalongkorn Rama 5, the most beloved King. Of Thai people His royal duties be it the abolition of slavery. Development of the government administration system Technology development for public utilities Cultivating alliances with other countries, etc., are all foundations of prosperity until now.

Wan Vajiravudh

Corresponds to 25 November as a day of death. Of His Majesty King Mongkut Klao, the head of the reign of King Rama 6, the King who is full of intelligence. Received the royal title that Somdej Phra Mahathirat Chao Because he is a philosopher of literature Is the only king His Majesty has written as many different types of literature as it has been collected in the present, there are 1,236 stories. And gave the royal surname Which has been compiled now It is approximately 6,432 surnames.

H.M. the King's Birthday

Matches on December 5, today is considered. National Father's Day and "Thai National Day" with a long period of 60 years. Dedicated his body, heart, and wisdom Perform royal duties Which is also useful and happy To his people all along As can be seen from the abundance of royal duties Countless, thousands of projects Which this year is considered a special year That will be the day that His Majesty the 80th anniversary of His Majesty and has ordered Bestowed the name that 80th Birthday Celebration on December 5, 2007.

Constitution Day

December 10 is the day that King Prajadhipok Rama VII gave the constitution. Of the Kingdom of Siam, permanent edition Is the first issue to the Thai people in the year 2475 after the change The complete regime of government Democratic With the King as the head of the country And has the constitution as the highest law Which since the government change until the year 2006, Thailand has 16 constitution and is in the process of preparing a new draft. After the government reform on September 19, 2006.

King Taksin the Great Day

Corresponds to December 28, it is the day of the coronation of King Taksin the Great. He is another heroic Thai king who has been honored. And has always been worshiped by the Thai people Not only because of his intelligence and ability to save the Thai nation to become independent And create solidarity for our country only But he is also a leader of courage, determination, gratitude and sacrifice for the land of Thailand, which is hard to find.

Important Religious Days

Makha Bucha Day

It corresponds to the 15th lunar day of the third lunar month. It is the day that the Arahant that the Lord Buddha ordained 1,250 images to attend together without an appointment. The Buddha therefore gave the sermon Patimokk at those monks' meetings Today we consider today as Buddhism Day of Love This is because the day has a special event called. Chaturongkhasan League and is the day that the Lord Buddha. Announced the principles And ideology of Buddhism Which has the main content That by promoting all human beings to do good and bad, not hijacking one another, that is, teaching everyone to have great love. It is a love that does not selfish. Because he taught me to love And kindness to friends of the world With a monk who led such teachings and dissemination.

Vesak Day

It corresponds to the 15th lunar month. The sixth lunar year is a lunar year, so it is shifted to the 15th lunar day of the seventh lunar month, which corresponds to the 31st of May as a birthday. Enlightenment and Nirvana of the Lord Buddha Which is the most important thing In the creation of the Lord Buddha in the world it is "Dharma" that he enlightened. Which is the principle of life His Highness is like a great teacher who comes to teach To guide all human beings Otherwise, people would not know the way to practice Dharma. To endure suffering And Vesak Day The United Nations has adopted this resolution. This is an international important day in 1999.

Asarnha Bucha Day

It corresponds to the 15th lunar day of the 8th lunar month. It is the day that the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are the first in the world. In which the first monk was Phra Anya Konthaya And the orientation that His Highness performed was Thammachakkonwatanasutta means The Sutra on Keeping the Dharmajak goes, that is, the Dharma of the Buddha, like the wheel of Dharma that had begun to move from the beginning today.

Buddhist Lent Day

It is the starting date for the monk. Must pray for the Buddhist Lent in place Do not travel to various places for 3 months from the waning date of the 8th month to the 15th lunar month, the 11th of every year, 30 July - 26 October, which gives the Buddhist Lent in the Buddhist era. In order to prevent the monks from stepping on the rice And the crops of the villagers were damaged Later, it was a good opportunity for the monks Will come together to study Dharma As for the villagers, they entered the temple to offer alms, observe the precepts, listen to dharma, and prosper. To increase merit by having a monk as a model Afterward, the traditional ordination was born for 3 months, while a number of Buddhists were popular. Considered the day of Buddhist Lent as the beginning day to pray for all evils And do more good For the traditions that are related to this day are Bath and rain offerings and a parade / candle offering.

Lent Day

Corresponds to the 15th lunar month. 11 is the day that monks have passed the discipline to stay in Lent. Since the Buddhist Lent day onwards And able to pilgrimage elsewhere Which will have a related tradition, which is giving alms to Devorona Is the day following the end of Buddhist Lent Day, 27 October 50, which Buddhists Usually give alms to monks today With popular that it is a day similar to the day that the Lord Buddha Descended from heaven After visiting the Buddha's mother for 3 months and after the end of Buddhist Lent 1 month, it is considered a Kathin festival. To make merit and offering Kathina cloth at various temples

Other important national and traditional days

New Year's Day

Before Thailand, we have an international new year like today. We have changed the new year for 3 phases, namely the first one holding the waning lunar month, Ai is the New Year's day, the second phase changes the new year's day to the 1st lunar day, the fifth month is about Songkran Using the year of the zodiac And the change of the hierarchy is the third term in the reign of King Rama 5 has changed the New Year's Day to April 1, which is the solar day. Which has been promulgated since 2432, the fourth phase is in the year 2483 the government has changed the Thai New Year. To be in accordance with internationalism is January 1, with the reason that the date was established. By calculating with astronomical science And has been used for over two thousand years It also does not involve religious beliefs. Or any national politics But it corresponds to the ancient Thai traditions that use winter as the year.

Children's Day of ShriYes

Corresponds to the second Saturday of January held to encourage children. Realized their importance And at the same time, it encourages people and society to recognize the importance of children to grow into the future of the nation. And is an important human resource that should be taken care of.

Teacher's Day

Corresponds to January 16, it is held to allow society to recognize the importance of teachers as selfless and virtuous people. For the benefit of the nation and the people Especially helping to build people who are the future of the nation.

Thai Heritage Conservation Day

Corresponds to April 2, which is the day of the royal birth. Of Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Siam Boromrajakumari Who is a model for performing royal duties and royal ethics in the conservation of national heritage in various fields His Highness has been consecrated as Akkarara Shupathamphak, Thai Cultural Heritage and Wisit Artist, meaning the excellence of the arts. He is a cultural savant. And has made contributions to art and culture.

Songkran Festival

It's the traditional Thai New Year. That counted the days when the sun entered Aries Is the beginning of the year April 13 is called "Maha Songkran Day" and is also regarded as National Elderly Day as well. April 14 is called Wannao and is considered as family day while April 15th is called New Year's Day or New Beginning Day. This year, Mrs. Songkran named Mahothon Devi Song Phahurat Thad Dok Samhao. Kaew Nilrat Gazelle food His right hand The left hand is a trisu. He sat over the back of the peacock.

Auspicious Plowing Day

Corresponds to the 10th of May. In addition to being an ancient ancient royal ceremony, To do in order to strengthen the auspiciousness of agriculture The day is also considered as the day of farmers as well in order for people to have a career in agriculture. Remembered the importance of agriculture Especially the general public will remember the importance of rice. And a grain with Khun Anek Anan In the nurturing of life to grow in full body and mind And above all To remember the grace of His Majesty With royal duties Which is an example of agriculture for the people Induce confidence in a career And it has always been the reason for the determination and prosperity of the country.

Wan Sunthorn Phu

Corresponds to June 26, it is the birthday of Phra Sunthorn Wahan, Sunthorn Phu, who is regarded as the poet of the early Rattanakosin. And there are many works of works dedicated to Phra Aphai Manee, his masterpiece of literature It has a length of 12,706 chapters, regarded as the longest poetry in the world. While Iliad Iliad and the Odyssey Odyssey of the French that is the longest, there are only 12,500 chapters only in 2529, he has been honored by UNESCO. Become a world-class culturally outstanding person.

National Thai Language Day

Corresponds to 29 July, it is a day similar to the date of King Rama IX. His Majesty the King To join the discussion with experts in the Thai language Of the Thai language assembly, Faculty of Arts Chulalongkorn University About the problem of using Thai words on July 29, 1962, which demonstrated the ability to Royal interest And concern in Thai language His Majesty is very much.

H.M. the Queen's Birthday Queen Or Mother's Day.

& lt; & gt; Corresponds to August 12, the day of the royal birth. Of Her Majesty Queen Sirikit, the Queen who is comparable Mother of the Land Who takes care of the people's suffering as his children And has practiced royal duties for the Thai people as well as alongside His Majesty the King for always Especially in arts and crafts And the promotion of Thai arts and culture.

Thai Museum Day

Corresponds to 19 September is a day to commemorate the great grace of King Rama V. Museum for the people For the first time on September 19, 1874, at Sala Sahathai Samakhom or Hall of Concordia in the Grand Palace.

Mahidol Day

Corresponds to September 24, it is the day of the death of King Mahidol University. Adulyadejvikrom Who has contributed to modern medicine Until being honored that His Highness was Father of modern medicine.

Loi Krathong Day

It corresponds to the 15th lunar month. The twelfth is a tradition that has been passed down from ancient times. With a variety of objectives such as to float the fortunes of the Lord Buddha But nowadays it is popular to do To ask for forgiveness and remember the Mother of the Ganga That has facilitated various benefits To human beings.

National Sports Day

Corresponds to December 16 as the day of remembrance of His Majesty the King. His Highness won a gold medal in the OK sailing competition in the 4th Laem Thong Games in 1967 and for the public. Young people are aware of the importance of sports. Contributing to our good health, both physically and mentally.

All are important Thai days in a year, although not all public holidays. But it is also an important national day that Thai youths should know for further knowledge.

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