Transport in Pattaya

A baht bus is a pickup truck converted to carry 10 passengers on two bench seats. They are a common and cheap way of public transportation in Pattaya, Thailand. There are different routes and colors of baht buses, such as dark blue, red, white, and green. You can find a map of the baht bus routes here. The fare is usually 10 or 20 baht per person, depending on the distance and route. You can also hire a baht bus for a private trip, but you will have to negotiate the price with the driver. Baht buses run 24/7 in the central areas of Pattaya, and until the nightlife winds down, around 3 am. They are a convenient and fun way to explore the city and its attractions. 

What are some popular destinations for baht buses?

Some popular destinations for baht buses in Pattaya are: 

Pattaya Beach Road: This is where you can enjoy the scenic view of the beach, shop at various malls and markets, and experience the vibrant nightlife 

Jomtien Beach Road: This is a quieter and more relaxed alternative to Pattaya Beach, with a long stretch of sand, water sports, and seafood restaurants 

Walking Street: This is the epicenter of Pattaya’s entertainment scene, with hundreds of bars, clubs, shows, and massage parlors 

Terminal 21: This is a themed shopping mall that replicates famous cities around the world, such as Paris, Tokyo, London, and Istanbul 

Thepprasit Road: This is where you can find the famous weekend night market, which sells a variety of goods, food, and souvenirs 

How do I hail a baht bus?

To hail a baht bus, you need to signal your intention to the driver by waving your hand, nodding your head, or walking towards the bus. If the bus is going in your direction, it will stop for you. If not, you can press the buzzer and get off at the next stop. The fare is usually 10 or 20 baht per person, depending on the route and distance. You can also hire a baht bus for a private ride, but you will have to negotiate the price with the driver. You can find a map of the baht bus routes here.  

How many people can fit in a baht bus?

A baht bus can fit up to 10 passengers on two bench seats, plus a few more who can stand on the back. However, the actual number of people who can fit in a baht bus may vary depending on the size of the passengers and the driver’s discretion. Some drivers may refuse to take more passengers if they think the baht bus is too crowded or unsafe. Therefore, it is advisable to travel light and have small change ready when using a baht bus.  

How do I know when to get off the baht bus?

To get off the baht bus, you need to press the buzzer when you are near your destination. The buzzer is usually located on the ceiling above the benches or over the door. The driver will stop at the next convenient spot and you can pay the fare at the passenger side window. The fare is usually 10 or 20 baht per person, depending on the route and distance. If you miss your stop, don’t worry, you can get off at the next one and catch another baht bus going in your direction. You can find a map of the baht bus routes here. 

Can I ask the driver to stop at a specific location?

Yes, you can ask the driver to stop at a specific location, but it depends on the driver’s willingness and the traffic situation. Some drivers may agree to stop for you if the location is along their route and there is a safe spot to pull over. However, some drivers may refuse to stop for you if the location is too far from their route or there is no space to stop. In that case, you may have to get off at the nearest stop and walk or take another baht bus to your destination. Alternatively, you can hire a baht bus for a private trip and negotiate the price with the driver, but this will be more expensive than the regular fare. You can find a map of the baht bus routes here. 

How do I report a lost item on the baht bus?

I’m sorry to hear that you lost something on the baht bus. Unfortunately, there is no official lost and found service for the baht buses in Pattaya. However, you can try the following steps to recover your item: 

Contact the baht bus cooperative at 038-429-877 or 038-429-878 and provide them with the details of your item, the route, the time, and the license plate of the baht bus (if possible). They may be able to help you locate the driver and the baht bus 

Visit the baht bus terminal at Pattaya Tai Road or Pattaya Nua Road and ask the staff if they have seen or received your item. You can also check the notice boards for any announcements of found items 

Post a message on the Pattaya Baht Bus Cooperative Facebook page and ask for help from other passengers or drivers. You can also browse the page for any posts of found items 

Report your loss to the local police station and file a report. This may be helpful if your item is valuable or contains personal information. The police station is located at Soi 9, Pattaya Beach Road 

A motorbike taxi is a fast and convenient way to get around Pattaya, especially if you are traveling solo or with a small bag. You can find motorbike taxi drivers wearing colored vests with numbers on the back at various locations around the city. You can also use one of the six mobile applications recommended by the Department of Land Transport (DLT) to order a motorbike taxi safely and legally. Some of the popular apps are GrabBike, LINE MAN, and Get 

The fare for a motorbike taxi depends on the distance and the traffic situation. You can negotiate the price with the driver before you hop on, or use the app to see the fixed fare. The minimum fare is usually 20 or 30 baht, and the maximum fare is around 100 baht. You can pay with cash or credit/debit card, depending on the app you use. You should also wear a helmet and hold on to the driver or the handlebars for safety 

A motorbike taxi is a great option if you want to beat the traffic and reach your destination quickly. However, you should also be aware of the road safety risks and the weather conditions when using a motorbike taxi. If you are traveling with a lot of luggage or with a group of people, you may want to consider other modes of transport, such as a meter taxi or a baht bus 

How do I know if the driver is licensed and insured?

That’s a good question. If you are using a motorbike taxi in Pattaya, you should check the driver’s vest for a number and a color. These indicate that the driver is registered with the Motorbike Taxi Association and has a valid license and insurance. You can also use one of the six mobile applications recommended by the Department of Land Transport (DLT) to order a motorbike taxi safely and legally. Some of the popular apps are GrabBike, LINE MAN, and Get. These apps will show you the driver’s name, photo, license plate number, and fare before you book the ride. You can also pay with a credit or debit card, which may offer some protection in case of an accident 

If you are using a different type of vehicle, such as a car or a truck, you can ask the driver for their insurance information, such as the name of the insurance company and the policy number. You can also check the vehicle’s license plate number and enter it into the National Insurance Crime Bureau (NICB) website to see if it has a valid insurance coverage. However, this website only works for vehicles registered in the United States, so it may not be useful for vehicles in Thailand. Another option is to contact the local police or the DMV and provide them with the license plate number and the reason for your request. They may be able to help you find out if the driver is licensed and insured 

What if I have an accident with a motorbike taxi?

I’m sorry to hear that you had an accident with a motorbike taxi. I hope you are not seriously injured. Here are some steps you can take after the accident: 

Call for an ambulance if there are injured victims. You should also seek medical attention even if you think you are not hurt, as some injuries may not be obvious at first 

Report the accident to the police. This is important for legal and insurance purposes. You should also get a copy of the police report for your records 

Exchange information with the other party. You should get the name, contact number, license plate number, and insurance details of the motorbike taxi driver. You should also get the names and contact numbers of any witnesses 

Gather evidence of the accident. You should take pictures of the scene, the vehicles involved, the injuries, and any other relevant details. You should also keep any receipts or bills related to the accident, such as medical expenses, repair costs, or lost income 

Do not admit fault or apologize. You should not say anything that could imply that you are responsible for the accident, as this could affect your claim later. You should also not accept any settlement offers from the other party or their insurance company without consulting a lawyer firstContact your insurance company. You should inform your insurer of the accident as soon as possible and provide them with the information and evidence you have collected. You should also cooperate with their investigation and follow their instructions 

Seek legal advice. You may want to consult a lawyer who specializes in motorbike taxi accidents to help you with your claim. A lawyer can advise you on your rights, the compensation you are entitled to, and the best course of action to take 

There are different types of taxis in Pattaya, such as: 

Metered taxis: These are the taxis that have a meter to calculate the fare based on the distance and time. They are usually yellow and green, or blue and red. They are not very common in Pattaya, and most of them come from Bangkok. They may charge a fixed rate or refuse to use the meter, so you should negotiate the price before you get in 

Non-metered taxis: These are the taxis that do not have a meter and charge a fixed rate depending on the destination. They are usually white, black, or silver. They are more common in Pattaya, and you can find them at the airport, hotels, or tourist attractions. You can also book them online or by phone 

Motorbike taxis: These are the taxis that use a motorbike to carry one passenger. They are the fastest and cheapest way to get around Pattaya, especially in traffic. They wear colored vests with numbers on the back, and you can find them at various locations around the city. You can also use a mobile app to order them. You should negotiate the price before you hop on, and wear a helmet for safety 

Songthaews: These are the taxis that use a pickup truck converted to carry 10 passengers on two bench seats. They are also known as baht buses, because they usually charge 10 or 20 baht per person. They are the most common and convenient way of public transportation in Pattaya. They have different routes and colors, such as dark blue, red, white, and green. You can hail them by waving your hand, and get off by pressing the buzzer. You can also hire them for a private trip, but you will have to negotiate the price with the driver 

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