Traveling by train from Pattaya to Bangkok

Traveling by train from Pattaya to Bangkok

According to the web search results, there are two direct train services a day from Pattaya to Bangkok, departing at 14:21 and 16:26. The journey takes about 2.5 to 4 hours, depending on the train and the traffic conditions. The trains have 3rd class fan seating only, and the tickets cost 31 to 48 THB. You can buy tickets online or at the train station 

Pattaya Railway Station is located 4 km from Pattaya beach, and Bangkok’s main train station is Hua Lamphong, which is close to many attractions such as the Grand Palace and Wat Arun. You can also take a bus, a minivan, or a taxi from Pattaya to Bangkok, which may be faster or more convenient, but also more expensive 

How much time does it take by train?

According to the web search results, traveling by train from Pattaya to Bangkok takes about 2.5 to 4 hours, depending on the train and the traffic conditions. The fastest train service from Pattaya to Bangkok is Train #998 departing at 16:26 which is scheduled to complete the journey in 2 hours 29 minutes. The slowest of the train services from Pattaya to Bangkok is Train #284 departing from Pattaya at 14:21 and arriving in Bangkok 3 hours 54 minutes later 

What is the train fare from Pattaya to Bangkok?

According to the web search results, the train fare from Pattaya to Bangkok ranges from 31 to 48 THB, depending on which train you take. The cheapest ticket is for the 3rd class fan seat on Train #284, while the most expensive ticket is for the rapid Train #998. You can buy tickets online or at the train station 

What is the train schedule from Pattaya to Bangkok?

According to the web search results, there are two direct train services a day from Pattaya to Bangkok, departing at 14:21 and 16:26. The journey takes about 2.5 to 4 hours, depending on the train and the traffic conditions. The trains have 3rd class fan seating only, and the tickets cost 31 to 48 THB. You can buy tickets online or at the train station 

How do I get to Pattaya Railway Station?

According to the web search results, Pattaya Railway Station is located 3 km east of downtown Pattaya, on Chon Buri-Pattaya Road in Nong Prue Subdistrict, Bang Lamung District, Chon Buri. You can get there by taxi, motorbike taxi, songthaew (shared pick-up truck), or bus. The approximate taxi fare from Pattaya Beach to Pattaya Railway Station is 150 THB. You can also use the Grab app to book a ride or check the fare estimate. 

Some additional information that you may find useful are: 

Pattaya Railway Station has two direct train services a day to Bangkok, departing at 14:21 and 16:26. 

Pattaya Railway Station has 3rd class fan seating only, and the tickets cost 31 to 48 THB. 

You can buy tickets online or at the train station. 

Pattaya Railway Station is close to Central Marina shopping center and Nong Prue Stadium 

How can I book a train ticket from Pattaya to Bangkok?

There are two ways to book a train ticket from Pattaya to Bangkok: online or at the train station. 

Online: You can use the 12Go Asia website to compare and book train, bus, and minivan tickets from Pattaya to Bangkok. You can also use the State Railway of Thailand website to book train tickets directly, but you need to register an account first. You can pay online with a credit card or other methods. You will receive an e-ticket or a voucher that you need to print out and exchange for a boarding pass at the station. 

At the train station: You can buy tickets at Pattaya Railway Station or Hua Lamphong Railway Station in Bangkok. You can pay with cash or a debit card. You will receive a paper ticket that you need to show to the staff before boarding the train. 

Advantages of taking the train from Pattaya to Bangkok

Some of the advantages of taking the train from Pattaya to Bangkok are: 

It is the fastest land transportation option, as it takes only 2.5 to 4 hours to travel 155 km, depending on the train and the traffic conditions 

It is the cheapest transportation option, as the train fare ranges from 31 to 48 THB, depending on which train you take 

It is a safe and comfortable way to travel, as the trains have 3rd class fan seating and offer scenic views of the countryside along the way 

It is a convenient way to travel, as the trains depart from and arrive at central locations in both cities, such as Pattaya Railway Station and Hua Lamphong Railway Station, which are close to many attractions and amenities 

Why choose to take the train from Pattaya to Bangkok?

There are several reasons why you may choose to take the train from Pattaya to Bangkok, such as: 

It is the fastest land transportation option, as it takes only 2.5 to 4 hours to travel 155 km, depending on the train and the traffic conditions 

It is the cheapest transportation option, as the train fare ranges from 31 to 48 THB, depending on which train you take 

It is a safe and comfortable way to travel, as the trains have 3rd class fan seating and offer scenic views of the countryside along the way 

It is a convenient way to travel, as the trains depart from and arrive at central locations in both cities, such as Pattaya Railway Station and Hua Lamphong Railway Station, which are close to many attractions and amenities 

Can I cancel my train ticket from Pattaya to Bangkok?

The answer to your question may depend on how and where you bought your train ticket from Pattaya to Bangkok. According to the web search results, there are two ways to book a train ticket from Pattaya to Bangkok: online or at the train station 

Online: If you booked your train ticket online through the 12Go Asia website, you can cancel your ticket and get a refund, minus a cancellation fee, up to 48 hours before departure. If you booked your train ticket online through the State Railway of Thailand website, you can cancel your ticket and get a refund, minus a cancellation fee, up to 24 hours before departure. You need to contact the respective websites to request a cancellation and a refund. 

At the train station: If you bought your train ticket at Pattaya Railway Station or Hua Lamphong Railway Station in Bangkok, you can cancel your ticket and get a refund, minus a cancellation fee, up to 1 hour before departure. You need to go to the ticket counter at the station to request a cancellation and a refund. 

What do I need to prepare before taking the train from Pattaya to Bangkok?

Some of the things that you may need to prepare before taking the train from Pattaya to Bangkok are: 

A valid train ticket, which you can buy online or at the train station 

A printed copy of your e-ticket or voucher, if you booked online 

A passport or ID card, for security and boarding purposes 

Some cash or a debit card, for buying snacks or drinks on the train or at the station 

A light jacket or a scarf, as the train may be cold due to the fan or the air conditioning 

A book, a music player, or a camera, to enjoy the scenic views or pass the time on the train 

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