Traveling by train from Bangkok to Pattaya

Traveling by train from Bangkok to Pattaya

According to the web search results, there are two direct train services from Bangkok to Pattaya. The fastest train service is Train #997, which departs at 06:45 and takes about 2 hours and 28 minutes. The other train service is Train #283, which departs at 06:55 and takes about 3 hours and 34 minutes. Both trains are often delayed on route, so you should allow at least 1 hour for delays if you are arranging any onward transport from Pattaya 

You can buy tickets for Train #283 at the station on the day of travel, but tickets for Train #997, which is the fast weekend service, need to be purchased in advance. You can also book bus or minivan tickets from Bangkok to Pattaya online 

Trains to Pattaya depart from Bangkok’s main train station, which is also known as Hua Lamphong. Pattaya Railway Station is located 6.2 km from Walking Street in Pattaya. You can take a taxi, a motorbike taxi, or a songthaew (a shared pick-up truck) from the station to your destination in Pattaya 

What is the cost of train tickets?

The cost of train tickets from Bangkok to Pattaya varies depending on the type of train and the class of seat. According to the web search results, the cheapest train ticket is for Train #283, which is an ordinary service that costs 31 baht for third class, 72 baht for second class, and 140 baht for first class. The fastest train service is Train #997, which is a rapid service that costs 69 baht for third class and 1044 baht for first class. You can also book bus or minivan tickets from Bangkok to Pattaya online, which may be more convenient and comfortable than the train 

How long does it take to travel by trian from Bangkok to Pattaya?

According to the web search results, the train journey time between Bangkok and Pattaya is around 2 hours and 30 minutes1. However, this may vary depending on the traffic, weather, and train operator. You can compare different train companies and prices on websites like CheckMyBus or 12Go. 

how to book a train ticket online from Bangkok to Pattaya ?

To book a train ticket online from Bangkok to Pattaya, you can follow these steps: 

Search for trains by travel date and destination on Thailand Trains website. 

Buy your tickets online by credit or debit card or through PayPal. 

Print out your train ticket or save the image to your phone for inspection by the conductor on the train. 

Alternatively, you can also book your train tickets on other websites like Rome2Rio or railcc. 

Benefits of taking the train from Bangkok to Pattaya

Some of the benefits of taking the train from Bangkok to Pattaya are: 

It is the cheapest form of public transport, especially if you take the third-class trains 

It is the most fun choice, as you can enjoy the scenic views and experience the local culture on the train 

It is faster than the bus or minivan, as there is no traffic congestion on the rail tracks 

It is more comfortable than the bus or minivan, as you have more space and amenities on the train 

However, there are also some drawbacks of taking the train, such as:It is less frequent than the bus or minivan, as there are only two direct train services per day 

It is less convenient than the bus or minivan, as you have to travel to and from the train stations, which are not in the city centers 

It is less reliable than the bus or minivan, as the trains are often delayed and may not run on schedule 

Therefore, you should weigh the pros and cons of taking the train from Bangkok to Pattaya according to your preferences, budget, and schedule. 

Why take the train from Bangkok to Pattaya?

There are several reasons why you might want to take the train from Bangkok to Pattaya, depending on your preferences, budget, and schedule. Some of the possible benefits are: 

It is the cheapest form of public transport, especially if you take the third-class trains 

It is the most fun choice, as you can enjoy the scenic views and experience the local culture on the train 

It is faster than the bus or minivan, as there is no traffic congestion on the rail tracks 

It is more comfortable than the bus or minivan, as you have more space and amenities on the train 

However, there are also some drawbacks of taking the train, such as: 

It is less frequent than the bus or minivan, as there are only two direct train services per day 

It is less convenient than the bus or minivan, as you have to travel to and from the train stations, which are not in the city centers 

It is less reliable than the bus or minivan, as the trains are often delayed and may not run on schedule 

<pTherefore, you should weigh the pros and cons of taking the train from Bangkok to Pattaya according to your preferences, budget, and schedule.> 

The 5 most frequently asked questions about why take the train from Bangkok to Pattaya?

According to the web search results, the 5 most frequently asked questions about why take the train from Bangkok to Pattaya are: 

How much does it cost to take the train from Bangkok to Pattaya? The train ticket prices vary depending on the type of train and the class of seat. The cheapest train ticket is for Train #283, which is an ordinary service that costs 31 baht for third class, 72 baht for second class, and 140 baht for first class. The fastest train service is Train #997, which is a rapid service that costs 69 baht for third class and 1044 baht for first class 

How long does it take to take the train from Bangkok to Pattaya? The train journey time between Bangkok and Pattaya is around 3 hours. However, this may vary depending on the traffic, weather, and train operator. You should also allow at least 1 hour for delays if you are arranging any onward transport from Pattaya 

How often does the train run from Bangkok to Pattaya? There are only two direct train services from Bangkok to Pattaya per day. Train #283 (ordinary) only runs on weekdays, leaving Bangkok at 6:55 AM and arriving in Pattaya at 10:35 AM. Train #997 (rapid) runs on weekends and holidays, leaving Bangkok at 6:45 AM and arriving in Pattaya at 9:13 AM 

Where do I buy the train tickets from Bangkok to Pattaya? You can buy the train tickets at the station on the day of travel. However, tickets for Train #997, which is the fast weekend service, need to be purchased in advance. You can also book your train tickets online on websites like Thailand Trains, Rome2Rio, or railcc 

What are the pros and cons of taking the train from Bangkok to Pattaya? Some of the pros of taking the train are: it is the cheapest form of public transport, it is the most fun choice, it is faster than the bus or minivan, and it is more comfortable than the bus or minivan. Some of the cons of taking the train are: it is less frequent than the bus or minivan, it is less convenient than the bus or minivan, and it is less reliable than the bus or minivan 

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