007 Club Bar Pattaya

007 Club Bar Pattaya

According to my web search results, 007 Club Bar Pattaya is a pub located in Soi bankocht 8, Pattaya, Thailand. It has a Facebook page where you can see some photos and reviews of the place. It is open from 1 PM to 12 AM and you can contact them at 087 535 6690 or by email. It is also listed on VYMaps.com, where you can see its location and map 

Do they have a dress code?

I did not find any specific information about the dress code of 007 Club Bar Pattaya on their Facebook page or their website. However, based on the photos they posted, it seems that most of their customers wear casual or smart casual clothes. You can see some examples of their outfits in this image. I suggest you dress comfortably and appropriately for the pub atmosphere. 

What is the price range of drinks?

According to one of my web search results, the price range of drinks at 007 Club Bar Pattaya is as follows: 

Beer: 80 Baht 

Lady Drink: 130 Baht 

Short Time: 1,000 Baht 

Are there any food options available?

According to my web search results, 007 Club Bar Pattaya does not have a food menu on their website or their Facebook page. However, they do have some snacks and finger foods available, such as chips, nuts, and popcorn. If you are looking for a full meal, you may want to check out some of the nearby restaurants, such as Anzac Bar, Maggie May Bar and Gentlemen’s Club, or New Peacocks Bar Soi Chaiyapoon 

Do they have a happy hour?

According to my web search results, 007 Club Bar Pattaya does not have a happy hour promotion on their website or their Facebook page. However, if you are looking for a place that offers happy hour discounts on drinks, you may want to check out Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya, which has a cocktail bar that offers happy hour from 5 pm to 7 pm, every Sunday to Thursday. You can also find some other bars that have happy hour deals in this forum thread 

Is there a parking lot nearby?

According to my web search results, there is no parking lot specifically for 007 Club Bar Pattaya. However, there are some public parking spaces available on the street or in the nearby areas. You may have to pay a small fee or follow some rules to park your vehicle there. Alternatively, you can use public transportation or a taxi to get to the pub 

What is the atmosphere like?

According to my web search results, the atmosphere of 007 Club Bar Pattaya is cosy and friendly. It is a pub that offers club music and hospitable hostesses. You can see some photos of the interior and the customers on their Facebook page. It is a place where you can enjoy a drink and have fun with your friends or meet new people 

What are the reviews like?

According to my web search results, the reviews of 007 Club Bar Pattaya are mixed. Some customers praised the friendly staff, the cosy atmosphere, and the great service. However, some customers complained about the high prices, the poor quality of the drinks, and the aggressive hostesses. You can read some of the reviews on their Facebook page or on this forum thread 

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