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Pattaya Tattoo shops in Thailand

Pattaya Tattoo shops in Thailand

According to my web search results, here are some of the best tattoo studios in Pattaya that you can check out: 

Beam Tattoo Studio Pattaya: This studio has a 4.8 rating from 375 reviews on Facebook. It is open every day from 10:00 to 00:00, except on Fridays and Saturdays when it closes at 22:00 and 20:00 respectively. The address is 198/13 M.9, Pattaya, Chon Buri, 20150 and the phone number is 094 679 7615. 

BB Tattoo studio shop pattaya: This studio has a 4.8 rating from 228 reviews on Facebook. It does not have a website or an open hours information, but you can contact them at 085 433 3484. The address is 216/42 หมู่ที่ 10ต.หนองปรือ อ.บางละมุง จ.ชลบุรี, Pattaya, Chon Buri. 

YoYo Tattoo Pattaya: This studio has a 4.3 rating from 110 reviews on Facebook. It is open every day from 13:00 to 23:30. The address is Soi.Lengkee, Pattaya, Chon Buri, 20150 and the phone number is 084 872 7805. 

Demon Tattoo Studio Pattaya: This studio does not have any reviews or ratings on Facebook, but it has a website and an open hours information. It is open every day from 12:00 to 00:00, except on Saturdays when it opens at 10:00. The address is ทิพย์พลาซ่า พัทยา.219/1-3หมู่10 หนองปรือ อ.บางละมุง จ.ชลบุรี, Pattaya, Chon Buri, 20150 and the phone number is 083 250 6459. 

What is the average price of a tattoo in Pattaya?

According to one of my sources the average price of a tattoo in Pattaya ranges from 10 to 220 USD (350 – 7,260 THB). The exact cost depends on factors such as the size, design, color, and location of the tattoo, as well as the experience and skill of the tattoo artist.

How long does it take to get a tattoo?

The time it takes to get a tattoo depends on many factors, such as the size, design, color, and location of the tattoo, as well as the skill and experience of the tattoo artist. According to one of my sources, a small, simple tattoo could take an hour, while a large, complex tattoo could take seven or 10 hours. Some tattoos might require multiple sessions to complete 

How much does it hurt to get a tattoo?

Getting a tattoo involves piercing your skin with a needle repeatedly, so it does hurt to some extent. However, the level of pain depends on many factors, such as: 

The location of the tattoo. Bony areas with thin skin and many nerve endings are more painful than fleshy areas with more fat and fewer nerve endings. For example, getting a tattoo on your armpit or rib cage is likely to hurt more than getting one on your outer arm or thigh. 

The size and style of the tattoo. Larger and more complex tattoos require longer sessions and more needlework, which can increase the pain. Outlines and fine details may also cause more stinging sensations than shading or coloring. 

The artist’s technique. Different artists may have different ways of handling the tattoo machine and the needles. Some may be more gentle and precise, while others may be more rough and fast. The speed, depth, and pressure of the needle can affect how much pain you feel. 

Your pain tolerance. Everyone has a different threshold of pain and reacts differently to it. Some people may find the pain tolerable or even enjoyable, while others may find it unbearable or distressing. Your mood, stress level, and physical condition can also influence how you perceive pain. 

Your preparation. How you prepare for your tattoo session can also make a difference in how much pain you experience. It’s advisable to get enough sleep, eat well, stay hydrated, and avoid alcohol and drugs before getting a tattoo. You can also apply a numbing cream or take an over-the-counter painkiller to reduce the pain, but consult your artist first. 

According to one of my sources, getting a tattoo may feel like stinging, scratching, burning, vibrating, or dullness. The pain may vary from mild to severe, depending on the factors mentioned above. 

How long does it take to heal a tattoo?

The healing time of a tattoo depends on various factors, such as the size, design, location, and aftercare of the tattoo, as well as your own skin condition and pain tolerance. According to one of my sources, the outer layer of skin (the part you can see) will typically heal within 2 to 3 weeks. However, it can take as long as 6 months for the skin below the tattoo to truly heal. 

The healing process can be divided into four stages, each with different symptoms and care instructions:

Stage 1: Oozing and redness. This stage lasts from day 1 to about day 6. Your tattoo will be bandaged for the first few hours, and then you need to keep it clean and moisturized. You may notice some fluid, ink, or blood coming out of the tattoo, as well as some swelling and inflammation. This is normal and part of your body’s response to the wound. 

Stage 2: Itching and flaking. This stage lasts from week 1 to week 2. Your tattoo will start to itch and flake as the skin begins to regenerate. You should avoid scratching or picking at the scabs, as this can damage the tattoo and cause infection. You can apply a gentle lotion or an ice pack to soothe the itchiness.

Stage 3: Peeling. This stage lasts from week 2 to week 4. Your tattoo will continue to peel and reveal the new skin underneath. The tattoo may look dull or faded, but this is temporary and will improve as the dry skin falls off. You should still keep the tattoo moisturized and avoid sun exposure or swimming. 

Stage 4: Aftercare. This stage lasts from month 2 to month 6. Your tattoo may look fully healed, but the deeper layers of skin are still recovering. You should continue to take good care of your tattoo by staying hydrated, wearing sunscreen, and keeping it clean. This will help prevent fading, scarring, or infection.

How much does it cost to get a tattoo?

The cost of getting a tattoo depends on many factors, such as the size, design, color, location, and artist of the tattoo. According to one of my sources, the average tattoo prices in the US are as follows: 

Tiny Tattoo (Under 2 in): $30 – $100

Small Tattoo (2 - 4 in): $50 – $250 

Medium Tattoo (4 - 6 in): $150 – $450 

Large Tattoo (6+ in): $500 – $4,000

These are only general estimates, and the actual price may vary depending on your specific tattoo and the shop you choose. Some artists may charge by the hour, while others may charge by the piece. You may also need to pay a deposit, a tip, or extra fees for custom designs, touch-ups, or aftercare products. 

If you want to get a more accurate quote, you should contact the tattoo artist or shop you are interested in and provide them with the details of your tattoo, such as the size, design, color, and location. You can also compare prices from different shops and artists to find the best deal for your budget. 

What is the most popular tattoo design in Pattaya?

There are many tattoo designs that are popular in Pattaya, Thailand, but one of the most common ones is the Sak Yant. Sak Yant is a traditional form of tattooing that involves sacred geometric patterns, animal symbols, and Buddhist prayers. Sak Yant tattoos are believed to have magical powers that can protect, bless, and empower the wearer. Many people get Sak Yant tattoos from Buddhist monks or ajarns (masters) who use bamboo or metal needles and natural ink 

Some of the most popular Sak Yant designs are: 

The Five Line Sak Yant: This design consists of five lines of Pali script that represent different blessings, such as protection, charisma, luck, success, and wisdom. It is often placed on the back or the chest 

The Gao Yord Sak Yant: This design features nine spires that symbolize the nine peaks of Mount Meru, the mythical center of the universe in Buddhist cosmology. It also contains the images of Buddha and other deities, as well as sacred mantras. It is said to provide protection, strength, and authority. It is usually placed on the nape of the neck or the upper back 

The Hah Taew Sak Yant: This design consists of five rows of symbols that represent different aspects of life, such as love, health, wealth, happiness, and enemies. Each row has a specific meaning and power, such as attracting good fortune, preventing bad luck, enhancing charisma, etc. It is often placed on the arm or the shoulder 

The Paed Tidt Sak Yant: This design features eight directional arrows that point to the eight cardinal directions. It also contains the images of eight animals, such as the lion, the elephant, the dragon, and the tiger, that represent the guardians of each direction. It is said to protect the wearer from harm and danger from all sides. It is usually placed on the back or the chest 

The Tiger Sak Yant: This design depicts the image of a tiger, which is a symbol of power, courage, and authority in Thai culture. It also contains the name of the tiger’s owner and a mantra that invokes the spirit of the tiger. It is said to give the wearer the qualities of the tiger, such as strength, agility, and fearlessness. It is often placed on the chest, the back, or the leg 

These are some of the most popular tattoo designs in Pattaya, but there are many more to choose from. If you are interested in getting a Sak Yant tattoo, you should do some research and find a reputable and experienced tattoo artist or monk who can perform the ritual and give you the appropriate blessings. You should also be aware of the rules and etiquette of Sak Yant tattoos, such as avoiding certain foods, behaviors, and places that may offend the spirits of the tattoos 

What is the meaning of Sak Yant tattoos? 

Sak Yant tattoos are a traditional form of tattooing that originated in Southeast Asia, especially in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar. They are also known as Yantra tattoos and are deeply rooted in the spiritual and religious beliefs of the region. Sak Yant tattoos are believed to have magical powers, which can protect the wearer from harm, bring good luck, and ward off evil spirits. They are also thought to enhance the wearer’s physical and mental abilities, such as strength, courage, and wisdom 

Sak Yant tattoos are usually made up of intricate designs and symbols, which are believed to have different meanings and powers. Some of the most common Sak Yant designs include: 

The Five Line Sak Yant (Hah Taew): This design consists of five lines of Pali script that represent different blessings, such as protection, charisma, luck, success, and wisdom. It is often placed on the back or the chest 

The Nine Peak Sak Yant (Gao Yord): This design features nine spires that symbolize the nine peaks of Mount Meru, the mythical center of the universe in Buddhist cosmology. It also contains the images of Buddha and other deities, as well as sacred mantras. It is said to provide protection, strength, and authority. It is usually placed on the nape of the neck or the upper back 

The Eight Direction Sak Yant (Paed Tidt): This design features eight directional arrows that point to the eight cardinal directions. It also contains the images of eight animals, such as the lion, the elephant, the dragon, and the tiger, that represent the guardians of each direction. It is said to protect the wearer from harm and danger from all sides. It is usually placed on the back or the chest 

The Tiger Sak Yant: This design depicts the image of a tiger, which is a symbol of power, courage, and authority in Thai culture. It also contains the name of the tiger’s owner and a mantra that invokes the spirit of the tiger. It is said to give the wearer the qualities of the tiger, such as strength, agility, and fearlessness. It is often placed on the chest, the back, or the leg 

Sak Yant tattoos have to be made by Buddhist monks or spiritual masters (called Sak Yant Masters or Ajarns), who have undergone years of training and practice. They use bamboo or metal needles and natural ink to apply the tattoos, while chanting prayers and spells. They also perform a ritual to bless the tattoos and activate their powers. The wearer has to follow certain rules and etiquette to respect the tattoos and maintain their effectiveness